
The Kettle Valley Food Co-op 
A marketplace in Grand Forks BC where local producers sell their products to local folks 

 Shop Now and see what's available 

How do I place an order?

First, become a member of the co-op by registering as a customer. Then you are ready to shop. 

As we are a co-op, purchasing a membership is required. Memberships are $10/year for 5 years or a lifetime membership payment of $50.

How do I receive my order?

You can place an order online from Thursday - Monday. Your order will be ready for pickup on Thursday at #5 1960 68th Ave. Grand Forks BC between 2-6 pm.

Why a co-op?

As a member of our co-op, your membership fees go towards improving ways for local producers to market and distribute their products. We are all in this together. You have a vote to help guide the decisions of how to use any funds or profit that is generated. There is no big corporate chain or foreign ownership here. It is simply us, as a community, working towards our own independent local food system.   

What are the goals of the Kettle Valley Food Co-op?

To provide access to quality agricultural products grown in the Kettle Valley  

To facilitate year round production and distribution of local food

To build our farming economy by offering fair pricing to farmers 

To increase transparency in the food distribution chain

How do I list products to sell?

If you are interested in becoming a producer member please Register as a Producer

Producer memberships are $25/year for 6 years or a lifetime membership payment of $150.

Interested in buying organic dry goods?

As a co-op member you can influence our monthly bulk orders from Organic Matters, located in Nelson BC. Email for the products you want to see on our shelves.
 You can also order smaller quantities weekly on the website or at our storefront.

Want to stay up to date on new products and events?

Please join our Email List.

Have a question?

Send an email to