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Harrington Farms
Address: 4405 Highway 3 Rock Creek, BC, V0H1Y0
Phone: 604-528-0296
About Us
Harrington Farms started in 2021 in a little town called Rock Creek. A soap maker from New York and a property manager from Vancouver came together with one dream. Our goal was to run a natural and sustainable farm. For us it meant that our chickens, pigs and sheep were living on pasture and consuming the best feed available. We believe in meticulous care for our animals and the environment. They don't receive antibiotics, hormones or medications. Giving our family and our customers only the healthiest product.
Our layers are free range with organic feed. We have a mobile chicken coop that allows us to move them around to different pastures during the non snowy months. Our meat birds are non-gmo and outside every day (feed outside the coop in a large run)

Our pork is raised on non-gmo feed and local brewery grain. We intend to start rotational grazing for our pigs once we complete more fencing this spring.

Our hot sauce is all local ingredients and only made seasonally in the fall. Garlic and onion from Green Garden Goodies (Greenwood). Fruit from Keremeos and peppers from Oliver.

Karina makes all the soap and lotion products in house with high quality ingredients.