
Jdog Farm
Address: 430 Atwood Rd Grand Forks, BC, V0H1H9
Phone: 604-845-5013
About Us
J Dog Farm was dreamed of in 2020 as I grew increasingly unhappy with city life. Although I grew up in a rural area and have some farming/gardening background, the city had grown up around me and my kids so it was time to move on - back to rural life. After much research and some exploration, I focused on Boundary Country and found the perfect property in the Nursery area in late 2021. Much of 2022 was spent planning, learning, breaking ground, and building some basic infrastructure. I have 2 dogs - Jasper and Juniper who watch over the farm and provide myself and my kids with many laughs, dog kisses and snuggles. We also have a small flock of sheep, three cats and 30 chickens.
My focus now is on how I can best produce clean, healthy food while living in harmony with nature as best as possible. As I continue to develop my property, gardens, and orchard, I focus on low - till methods, companion planting, fruit tree guilds, and building the soil health naturally through compost, manure, compost tea, and organic fertilizers if needed. My free run chickens are fed non-GMO feed and lots of kitchen scraps and fermented grains, along with foraging in their two runs and some time free-ranging around my property. As I continue to grow my farm, I look forward to offering seasonal vegetables, herbs, and fruit along with delicious farm fresh eggs.