
Thimble Mountain Farm
Contact: Skye Fletcher
Address: 10545 e North Fork Road Grand Forks, BC, V0H1H0
About Us
Thimble Mountain Farm is a naturally maintained farm, located ten kilometers north of Grand Forks. We strive to use sustainable practices to bring you the best quality products. Here at Thimble Mountain Farm we grow soil and the soil grows our food. We use cover cropping, certified organic compost and Frankia Fertilizers to feed and amend our soil. The use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides in food production has been strictly prohibited for over forty years on our farm. Although we are not a certified organic farm yet, we follow organic requirements set forth by COABC. In 2021 we have started farming another half acre of annual food crops to add to the abundance of our young food forest. We are excited to offer new products to the KVFC this coming year. Thank you to everyone for your continued support.