
Lucky Pheasant Farm
Contact: Helen and Jon Worth
Address: 755 Carson Rd Grand Forks, BC, V0H1H4
Phone: 778-632-0129
About Us
We are the Worth family - Jon, Helen, Betty and Charlie. Our farm is on Carson Road in sunny Grand Forks.
We make chocolate bars - we love chocolate and we love sharing our passion with others. We use the highest quality ingredients we can find, and buy them locally as much as possible. We also try to reduce our waste every chance we get - all of our packaging is 100% compostable and we make all our deliveries in our little electric car.
We also grow veggies and have a gang of chickens that roam around like they own the place!
We make chocolate bars - we love chocolate and we love sharing our passion with others. We use the highest quality ingredients we can find, and buy them locally as much as possible. We also try to reduce our waste every chance we get - all of our packaging is 100% compostable and we make all our deliveries in our little electric car.
We also grow veggies and have a gang of chickens that roam around like they own the place!
We follow organic practices but we aren't certified. We have 2 small children who like to pull carrots straight out of the ground and eat them dirt and all, so we never add anything to our soil or our plants that we think could be harmful in any way. Just water, sunshine, a little bit of compost and a lot of love!
Our small flock of chickens are free range and happy - they love our beets and break into the garden any chance they get!
Our small flock of chickens are free range and happy - they love our beets and break into the garden any chance they get!