
Sunshine Breads & More
Address: Box 2624 7106-18th St Grand Forks, BC, V0H1H0
Phone: 250-442-6586
About Us
Hi I'm Rhonda Miller! I love all things kitchen so it's only natural for me to start this little microbakery. I started my career in kitchens over 30 years ago working in various kitchens until I took a little (15 year) break to have an office job so I can raise my young kids. Most are grown now and have moved out so it's time to get back to what I love. Nothing beats making delicious food for people and seeing the smiles on the faces when they taste it.
I have many other interests as well to keep me busy. I love hiking in the hills, gardening and spending time with my family and friends.
I have many other interests as well to keep me busy. I love hiking in the hills, gardening and spending time with my family and friends.
I take great pride in cooking and baking things from scratch with good quality ingredients. The flours that I use in my breads are all organic to ensure the highest quality in my products. Each sourdough is hand decorated as I believe you eat with your eyes BEFORE your stomach so I try to make your yummies pretty as well as tasty.
The sourdough breads are made from a true wild starter that I started myself. I've name my starter Oscar as he can be grumpy at times but all in all he does the job he's meant to do. There is absolutely NO yeast in my sourdough breads. With the exception of the cinnamon buns that has only a touch to give it a bit of a lift. The sourdough breads are then cold fermented overnight to ensure I have a strong sourdough flavour and then baked on stones along with some steam to get the best crust I can for you all to enjoy.
The sourdough breads are made from a true wild starter that I started myself. I've name my starter Oscar as he can be grumpy at times but all in all he does the job he's meant to do. There is absolutely NO yeast in my sourdough breads. With the exception of the cinnamon buns that has only a touch to give it a bit of a lift. The sourdough breads are then cold fermented overnight to ensure I have a strong sourdough flavour and then baked on stones along with some steam to get the best crust I can for you all to enjoy.